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Join our FREE 
Wild Child to Model Citizen Classes

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(Totally free, No Credit Card Required.)

No more pulling on the leash
No more bolting through the door
No more excessive barking
No more lunging
No more stealing food 
No more playing keep away with laundry
No more ignoring your commands...

Ready for "no more?"


5000+ Owners Helped

We've helped over 5000 owners  worldwide since this company was started in just 2018.

Hundreds of lives saved

Some owners have admitted that without our guidance, they feel confident their dog was headed for court-ordered euthanasia.

International client base

With Clients across the world, we're anything but a "local dog training service". You're working with a worldwide pro.

Go-To For Rescue Organizations

We partner with many rescue organizations as their "go-to" trainers to save the "unadoptable" dogs.

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What if you could do ANYTHING with your dog? What if they were the most reliable part of your life? Sound impossible? It's not.

What if you could say goodbye to all
the barking at the door...

The  destruction of your home...

Or your dog striking fear into your guests as
"man's best friend" aggressively barks and crowds them while you try to open the front door for them...

What if TODAY was THE LAST DAY you had to worry about your dog NOT listening to you?

How much easier would your life be? 

What if, EVEN OFF LEASH, your dog listened to every command instantly?

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I can promise you - it's possible to get there. And it'll happen quicker than you think.

In just 6 weeks you'll wonder if this is even the same dog.

How do I know?

Because along with countless others, Lori experienced a night and day change in her first 2 DAYS, let alone 6 weeks.

Hear Lori's Story

Great Case Study

"My house became total chaos. We were going to have to rehome her...The home was just utter chaos."

"After Day 2 I can't even describe it, she was already a different dog."

Really? Two days?

I'll admit Piper's training wasn't COMPLETED after 2 days, far from it! But that's how long it took for the Perfect Pack Formula™ to make noticeable changes.

So how?

  • Communicating naturally, the way mom did with her puppies, originally. (Speaking their language)

  • Leveraging relationship to posture the dog to enjoy listening.

  • Using Neuroscience and Therapeutic Strategies to help the dog to use different parts of the brain to process stimuli that would normally trigger them.

  • And by creating a comprehensive training routine that's easy enough for a 10 year old to follow.

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Let me ask you a question:

If you took your dog outside, told them "down, stay." and then walked 50ft away, with no leash in your hand would they wait 20 minutes to be released?

What about 10? Just 5?

If you can't, with certainty, answer that your dog would confidently wait until you release them, no matter how long it is, you are not living to your full potential as an owner and your dogs are missing out on an intimacy that they could have with you. I won't even talk about what happens when many owners "release" their dogs and they just run everywhere but to the owner they were called to.

I'm talking about 
an unbreakable bond, on which you could stake THEIR LIVES.

THAT's the caliber I expect with every dog I work with.

Yes, my expectations are 

 Welcome to intentional excellence.

This is not a fly-by-night program. We are craftsmen, ready to mold your dog into the perfect partner. 

Mediocrity ends here. 


infographic dog training

Remember Lori from above?

She had a "wild child" that she worried was totally unchangeable. 


But I showed her the secret to work WITH her dog LIKE A PARTNER - not a pet. 

That gave her unrivaled confidence.

piper thank you pic.jpg
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Now she has the perfect pet she's always dreamed of...

And she's not alone!

You can see tons of reviews from countless others below whose lives were changed by the difference they've seen in their dogs.

And I was honored to work with them.

Seriously! Why?

The truth is they deserved this outcome with their dogs...

They were tired of the "same old-same old" and were ready to execute. 

I believe the future belongs to those who are ready to take action.

The question is will you join them? Will you let me change your life with your dogs forever, for the better?

If you're a do-er and not just a think-er, you're my kind of person and I want to work with you. Click the button below and lets get your dream in motion.



p.s. By clicking the button you're agreeing to trade "close enough" for the best of the best!

Wall of Fame

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All of those reviews feel overwhelming?

I could go on,

But realistically, you get it, you know that it works...

"But what if I don't have time?"

That's exactly WHY this system is for you! The Perfect Pack Formula™ specializes in making your efforts COUNT. Also, if you think you're low on time now, try having to do it AGAIN just because it wasn't done right the first time...This is often a case of "Do it right, or do it twice." If you are truly low on time, we offer board and trains!

"What if my dog is too old?"

You'll be happy to know that's a myth. Nearly all of the above success stories were adults before they started training. In fact, sometimes adults can be easier than puppies! At the time of typing this, I quite literally taught an "old dog" (11 years old) a new trick just a few days ago. (Speak on command)

"What if it's in my dog's DNA?"

The overwhelming majority of cases we have worked with over the years in behavior  modification had more to do with accidental mismanagement than DNA. (We trained Behavioral Modification exclusively for years)

"We've tried everything, every gadget, we've even had multiple trainers!"

If you read the testimonials above, you'll find we are COMMONLY the 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Trainers people have hired. You're in good company! What do they all have in common? We're always the last. 😎

"What if it's too expensive?"

We've done a few things to make sure money never holds anyone back from getting the results they need with their dogs. 1. We have 0 APR financing through Affirm. 2. We offer a lower price point than the private lesson programs through zoom lessons and group training classes.


"I have a hard time staying motivated."
"It feels insurmountable."
"Where do I even begin?"

We have an online community that you'll be able to join with dog owners JUST like you who will be there, along with me, to support you through the journey. And don't worry we have step by step guides (literal flow charts) to take the guess work out of everything.

Let me shoot straight for a moment...

If I helped all of those people
JUST LIKE YOU to overcome the same problems you're experiencing, is it unreasonable to think that I could help you?

Those people above had the following issues they needed help with:

Potty Training, jumping on company, sprinting through doors anytime they're open, barking in inappropriate moments, growling, biting, attacking, stealing food off of the counter or from one another (other dogs), chewing up furniture (among other things!), reactivity to dogs or people, reactivity to items (Cars, vacuum cleaners, etc), nipping, not coming when called, attacking the fenceand a lot more... 

You know what a lot of them had in common?

They were thinking about giving up...Until they ran into me and the Perfect Pack Formula™

In-House Training
I come to you, and each lesson is focused on training you as an owner. No treats, collars, cruelty, etc. If your dog trains in a facility, your dog might be great in the facility but still bad at home. That's why all our training efforts are "apples to apples".


Free Evaluation

Organize a free over the phone consultation where we will come up with a personalized solution.



One-on-one dog training lessons with a Master Dog Trainer in the dogs natural environment.



We have never met a dog that we couldn't teach and train! We teach you how to communicate with your dog the natural way!

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