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In this private option, the curriculum is 100% Custom Fitted to your needs. Before embarking on a program together, we'll talk about your dog, past dogs, what your hopes are for this animal, things you've tried, and more. I want to get my fingers on the pulse of what is most important for you and your family.

Once we've identified what struggles you're having and what your hopes are the for the final result, we'll custom cut a solution that ticks every box for you.

We can work on obedience, behavior modification, aggression rehabilitation, scent work, tracking, and light protection work.

This is designed to meet you right where you are and give you the end goal you're dreaming of. From the comforts of your own home.


Speed Up The Process

Since we will be 1 on 1 and in-home, you not only benefit from 1 on 1 instruction that's dedicated to specifically fitting your dog's personality and training needs. But additionally, because we'll be working in the environments your dog lives in, we benefit from there being no "my-dog-is-great-in-class-but-a-nightmare-at-home" syndrome.

Weekly Feedback Between Lessons

I invite every private lesson client to video themselves working with their dogs and send it to me, so I can give valuable feedback to ensure you're driving forward during your homework intervals as well as our lesson times. This guarantees we get the job done right, in a timely manner since no time is lost to doing homework improperly or guessing.

Companion eCourses

Every private lesson client receives instructional videos and a daily planner guaranteeing the owner never feels lost, alone, or uncertain. Simply look in your planner for what exercise you're supposed to be running that day, then read the description or watch the video to refresh your memory.

Custom Curriculum and Flexible Scheduling

With 6 days of training availability every week, you can enjoy the extra flexibility that private training offers. We will also be prioritizing training the skills that matter most to you, so you get the answers you need as quickly as possible whilst not cutting corners.

Is that the kind of thing you're looking for?

Group Classes

Our group classes offer you a wide range of options to fit exactly what you're needing most. This ensures money and time aren't spent on things that don't matter to you. With 4 Levels of Classes, you can jump in at any point with either the simplest fundamentals or the most advanced goals and abilities.

The 4 Levels are as follows:

Seminar Classes: Anything goes, no holds barred. This is great for behavior modification and getting specific, targeted goals out of the way. We often times find ourselves working with reactive dogs, over excited dogs, jumping, barking, lunging, nipping, and a lot more.

Self Control Classes: This is a behavioral modification course but it's with a relatively strict curriculum. Teaching Heel, Out (Letting go of items), Place (for getting your dog to be calm), and ignoring food that wasn't specifically given to you. These more self control skills will have your dog being easier to live with and that's what the "self control class" is all about.

Obedience: We work on a "BOMBPROOF" foundation of Sit, Down, Stay, Come, Heel, Place, Kennel. If your dog has these down, to a level of mastery, you can proudly and confidently take them anywhere.

Advanced Obedience: This is about off leash reliability, proofing obedience under higher levels of distraction, teaching commands "in motion" (a fun little thing that's not hard to teach but looks REALLY flashy when you see it) and more.



Seminar Style Classes

The classes we offer are, oftentimes, seminar style. Which means it's not a fixed curriculum that you're held to regardless of how appropriate it is for you. This means what we go over in class is governed directly by what matters most for you. Ensuring you never sit through a class that "could have been an email."

Solid Obedience

When we do offer obedience classes, the time is spent on creating solid, reliable obedience that you can count on for years to come, not just teaching some tricks your house guests will find cute.

Companion eCourses

At every paid class, owners receive instructional videos and a daily planner guaranteeing the owner never feels lost, alone, or uncertain. Simply look in your planner for what exercise you're supposed to be running that day, then read the description or watch the video to refresh your memory.

Behavior Modification Training

If you aren't quite looking for "obedience" classes that focus on solid commands, but you're rather more interested in just getting your dog to listen and stop jumping on you, stop barking incessantly, growling, or being overly excited and more, the seminar style classes or the self control classes give you a realistic solution for problems that have had you pulling your hair out rather than focusing on commands that you might not care much about.

Is that the kind of thing you're looking for?

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A little about it..

Our board and train program is designed to take the stress off of you as an owner by allowing a professional to step in and not only obedience train your dog to the highest level, but to also rid the dog of the behaviors that are driving you crazy.

Our programs range from 2 weeks for intro puppy fundamentals all the way up to 6 Weeks for perfected obedience, socialization, and off leash reliability. This means we offer programs that cover everything from puppy basics all the way to creating an elite companion that you could literally take anywhere and do anything with. 

Let me ask, if you gave your dog a command without any treats and with distractions all around, what are the odds that your dog is going to respond the first time asked?

That's what we mean when we say Elite Obedience Training to the highest level. Nothing like what you'll see at the big box store classes. We're talking about truly reliable commands, not party tricks.

All dogs stay in my home, personally and are trained daily.


Midterm Lesson

Halfway through the program the owner will be required to come work with the dog to ensure they (the owner) are gaining the skillset to follow through with the training. This can give you the knowledge and confidence that you won't lose the precious results you've gained from the countless hours of training your dog has received.

Elite Obedience

Most of the time Sit, Down, Stay, Come, and Heel are taught as nothing more than party tricks and it shows when the dog decides they "just don't want to do it" or they're "just too distracted." When we say obedience training we're talking about training that's reliable enough that you could put your dog in competitions if you wanted to. Why? For the notoriety or the titles? No way. But because when you say a command it should be just that. A command. Not a suggestion. You pay way too much in rent to keep a roof over your dog's head for them to feel comfortable just dismissing your words. When you work with me, the "ignoring you" is gone for good.

Life-Time Support

For the life of the dog, I stand behind my work. If your dog is beginning to slip up, get a bit loose, etc. I will come out to you (Within 50 miles Complimentary) and do refresher training absolutely free of charge. Enjoy lifetime support over the phone and text as well.

Behavior Modification Training

This is the kind of training that doesn't quite fit in the "obedience" mold. I've seen dogs that were great in their "competitions" and then would lunge at other dogs any time they were out of the obedience ring! Obedience is more about what your dog SHOULD do. Behavior modification is about what we'll get your dog to STOP doing. This is not an exhaustive list but think about things like

Jumping on company, excessive or demand barking, pottying in the house, stealing food, chewing, digging, biting, lunging, aggression in general, and a lot of other things you wish your dog would "Just stop!"

Is that the kind of thing you're looking for?

Boarding Training Programs

Green Nature

Puppy Fundamentals

This program is mostly aimed at alleviating the stereotypical puppy behaviors AND giving the dog a good foundation that we can use to build on later for higher training. Potty training, nipping, barking, crate training, marker training, and soclialization are all covered and more in this Puppy Fundamentals Program.

Total Transformation Obedience Training

In this fun but intense training program, we will perfect your dog's leash skills, create a level of self control you've never seen from them, teach and polish all obedience commands to the point of excellence. Commands like like sit, down, stay, come, heel, place, kennel and more. We will also be finishing behavior modification training to eliminate pesky behaviors you may be dealing with like jumping, barking, counter surfing, chewing, digging, and more. For the sweet but overexcited dog this kind of thing is just what the doctor ordered.

Elite Companion Training

This program includes everything we go over in the Total Transformation Program PLUS travel etiquette, public access training, restaurant manners, and a lot more. This is for an OFF LEASH dog that you could do anything with.

Looking for aggression rehabilitation?

That's my specialty.

I'd like to work with you and your dog before suggesting a program.

This way you get the benefit of knowing the program was cutsom made for your dog.

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