This is a question that has haunted countless desperate and frustrated dog owners. How did this thing happen?? Let me answer the question quickly and succinctly, instead of stretching it out like some cookbook website that goes on and on about summers on the beach while you sit starving, wondering how to make that 10,000 layer dip.
In essence, it's a trust problem.
Let me explain:
The relationships we have with our dogs are much like the relationships we have with other humans. They are based on love, trust, and respect. And if there's a deficiency in any one of those three departments, particular issues tend to surface.
Love Problems
So if you have a love problem, the dog just doesn't come around. Much like a teenager, or sasquatch. You get one picture of them every few years, it's always blurry and you wonder if they're real? lol
Respect Problems
This just means your dog doesn't take you or your rules seriously enough to listen. This, at the extreme, can also create aggression, but it's a lot less common. Ordinarily it's not a "manacle" issue, by any means. These dogs are most of the time labeled "dopey". But this particular relationship Issue will cause a dog to pull a lot on the leash, jump on company, bark in inappropriate moments (out of excitement, not fear), steal food, etc. A dog with respect issues commonly is described as over excited or having no self-control, or just being really "rambunctious".
Trust Problems
THIS is what creates aggression, most of the time. A dog who, in short, just doesn't believe mom or dad will handle what makes them nervous, so by default, the job falls to the dog. This wouldn't be an issue if the dog had good judgement, though! If your dog were just barking at those who chose to bang on your door at 3 a.m. it wouldn't be an issue! But the aggression shows us the dog doesn't have the best judgement.